Airgases Projects undertakes design and supply of oxygen pressure reducing stations meeting stringent international standards. These stations ensures controlled supply of oxygen to various process applications such as lancing in steel melting shops, oxygen enrichment in blast furnaces and oxygen supply for oxy fuel burners etc. The safety hazards associates with these stations warrants utmost attention to minutest details in design of these stations as well as selection of components and proper site installation work.
These stations supplies to downstream pipeline systems oxygen at reduced but controlled gas pressure. To ensure a continuous gas supply, two pressure regulating stations are recommended to switch between two supply sources manually or automatically as specified by customer. These regulating stations essentially performs safety function of limiting the pressure (and flow in some cases) in the downstream system to a set safe value. The sizing of control valve to meet full range of flow rates is very important for smooth and reliable performance of control stations. Filtration of gas upstream of pressure control valve to remove dust coming from upstream pipeline is an integral part of these stations. The oxygen filters have to be very carefully designed as many of fire hazards in past have been identified to have originated from these filters. Additional safety shutoff devices are provided to cutoff oxygen supply in the event of abnormal downstream conditions.
Decades of experience of its Airgases Projects team ensures that all required safety standards such as EIGA and NFPA as well as learning from past incidents in the industry are incorporated in these control stations. Airgases Projects has tie up with internationally reputed suppliers of nonferrous ( Monel / Bronze) valves as well as other components such as filters, fire breakers and hoses for oxygen service.